Dynamic end-to-end workflows to help characterize the subsurface and reduce uncertainty of complex environments to help ensure confident well placement.
The Geosciences Suite combines innovative technology and tightly integrated cross domain workflows to help increase subsurface understanding and provide valuable insights to help maximize asset value.
Optimize lifecycle management with integrated cross-domain workflows, enahnced collaboration, and a dynamic subsurface digital twin.
ANPG has deployed the Geosciences Suite, a DecisionSpace® 365 solution on the iEnergy® hybrid cloud, making it the first-ever iEnergy-DecisionSpace 365 deal in sub-Saharan Africa
Read spotlightTransform subsurface understanding with innovative technologies that can help solve the most complex challenges.
Discover a whole new world of intelligent characterization with the Geosciences Suite
Watch webinarBridge the gap between geological interpretation and operations geology to help optimize geosteering workflows.
Geological accuracy: High resolution data integration, reservoir scale interpretation and intelligent workflows can provide insights to help avoid side-tracking
Reduced uncertainty: Comprehensive data capabilities and integrated risk analysis help provide deeper understanding of potential hazards to inform decision-making.
Faster more accurate decisions: Pre-drill scenario modeling and enhanced collaboration help provide a depth of understanding which helps accelerate time to decision.
Workflows to reduce subsurface risk when exploring for new hydrocarbon reserves, carbon storage, or other energy transition opportunities.
Machine learning assisted workflows to accelerate subsurface interpretation
Workflows to solve your most complex subsurface imaging, interpretation, and characterization challenges.
Workflows that help support improved reservoir performance throughout an entire assets’ lifecycle.
Workflows that help ensure asset teams share a consistent understanding of the subsurface.
Reduce well planning cycles by leveraging advanced automation techniques to quickly plan any combination of target locations and well trajectories.