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Announcement Description for global announcement

Integrated cross-domain workflows 

Solve complex subsurface imaging, interpretation, and characterization challenges in a multi-user environment to help define uncertainty and reduce well planning cycles.

TST turning points in stratigraphy
Stratigraphic interpretation

Stratigraphic interpretation

Visualize and use stratigraphy to validate and improve interpretations using:

  • True stratigraphic thickness with well segmentation and flattening.
  • Biostratigraphic data display and age gap analysis of subcrop and supercrop ages for consistent interpretations.
  • Automatically generated stratigraphic columns.

Well interpretation & analysis

Interpret and display multi-discipline data types in each view to aid interpretation and enhance understanding of the subsurface: Key features include:

  • Zone analysis: Interpret and display lithology, analyse porosity and permeability.
  • Well bore analyser and log calculations: Create pseudo log curves from seismic data and picks where seismic data intersects with wells.
  • Proportional pie and bubble mapping: Visualize production data and analysis.
Well correlation panel
Well interpretation & analysis


Reducing uncertainty with velocity modeling

In this webinar we will take a look at the latest velocity modeling developments in the newest release of DecisionSpace® 365 Geosciences Suite.

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Solving complex subsurface problems using seismic interpretation

In this webinar we showcase how DecisionSpace® 365 Geosciences Suite’s Seismic Interpretation software offers a unique and powerful multi-z horizon interpretation solution that enables geoscientists to accomplish prospect generation and drilling sweet-spot identification in complex geological settings with greater efficiency and a higher level of confidence

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Prestack seismic visualization
Seismic interpretation

Seismic interpretation

Provides core seismic interpretation workflows for mapping complex subsurface geology, including multi-z structures such as thrust-faults and salt-intrusions. Key features include:

  • Integrated 2D and 3D seismic interpretations with no limit on the number or size of surveys.
  • Multi-user workflows, from visualization through interpretation.
  • Advanced multi-attribute analysis, enable teams to collaborate efficiently.

Velocity modeling

Data can be viewed in 1D, 2D, 3D, histogram, crossplot, and spreadsheet formats. Raw, edited, and interpreted data, as well as existing velocity model information is integrated to create geologically sound velocity models for even the most structurally complex geologic regions. The velocity modelling workflow includes industry leading QC and uncertainty analysis tools which incorporate:

  • Mistie gridding
  • Well and inter-well data
  • 2D and 3D seismic data
  • Checkshot and VSP data
  • Surface and fault data
Velocity probe analysis
Velocity modelling

Related products & services

Assisted Fault Interpretation

Assisted Fault Interpretation

Shorten the interpretation lifecycle on seismic volumes of any size.

Assisted lithology interpretation

Assisted lithology interpretation

Uses machine learning technology to predict lithology in minutes.


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