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An innovative approach to lost-circulation in drilling

Lost-circulation events are one of the most common challenges to overcome in drilling and cement operations and cost the industry USD four billion annually. To recommend an effective treatment, it is important to first understand the loss challenge. Identifying factors, such as loss zone formation characteristics and depth and loss rate, are critical to tailoring a treatment that can address the loss challenge. 

The Halliburton BridgeBlend™ lost circulation material (LCM) solutions use engineering design algorithms to customize locally available LCMs that address lost-circulation scenarios. 


Enables flexible design of service (DOS) with local materials and a faster turnaround


Lost-circulation solution customized based on specific wellbore data


Adaptable to a wide range of carrier fluid, such as pre-flush, spacers, and cements

Customized lost-circulation solution tailored with local materials

BridgeBlend™ LCM is a custom-tailored lost circulation solution that uses existing Halliburton products. The solution is tailored with precise design engineering tools like the Halliburton Lost Circulation Wizard™ software and Particle Wizard™ software. Rather than conventional LCM tables based on loss severity, these tools use parameters, such as historical loss data coupled with formation characteristics, pore throat size, porosity, estimated fracture size, carrier fluid rheology and density, and the physical properties of locally available LCM materials. This approach optimizes the BridgeBlend LCM solution to achieve the most effective lost circulation mitigation with minimal concentration. It also helps ensure the safe passage of the LCM-laden fluid through critical flow-path restrictions. 

Using locally sourced LCM in the BridgeBlend LCM designs can mitigate supply chain challenges. If there is an LCM shortage, materials in the blend can be easily replaced with alternates without compromising efficiency.

Explore products

Particle Wizard™ particle management software

Particle Wizard™ particle management software

Evaluating LCM selection and concentration for optimal passage, suspendability, and transport.

Lost Circulation Wizard™ software

Lost Circulation Wizard™ software

The Lost Circulation Wizard™ software enables Halliburton technical professionals to predict the optimal LCM/fluid package to mitigate losses during and after cement operations.


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