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Cures severe to total losses while drilling to achieve zonal isolation

The next generation of our SentinelCem™ system, SentinelCem™ Pro cement exhibits improved properties to cure severe to total losses in a single-sack formulation that simplifies mixing operations and enables proactive rig-site deployment. Because of its thixotropic nature, this solution is ideal for zones where particulate lost-circulation materials have limited success curing losses.

Simplifies operations

The single-sack formulation easily blends with a wide range of cement types and preblended salt and has a low sensitivity to water source hardness. No pre-hydration of the slurry design or high purity water source is required. Deploy using “on-the-fly” or batch mixing techniques.

Acid soluble

Enables use across sensitive reservoir zones.

Early compressive strength development

Helps plug thief zones and mitigate further lost circulation.

Readily pumps through the BHA

Low-abrasive product pumps safely through the bottomhole assembly.

Thixotropic cement system stabilizes loss zones

Once the product is placed in the loss zone and pumping ceases, the SentinelCem Pro cement rapidly gels with the shear rate reduction and then gains early compressive strength. This feature helps cure losses when the slurry enters fractures and vugular zones and it mitigates costly drilling fluid loss to the formation.

SentinelCem™ Pro Cement System

SentinelCem™ Pro Cement System

SPE Tech Talk

SPE Tech Talk

SPE Tech Talk

Innovative solutions to cure severe to total losses

Lost circulation is the main contributor to nonproductive time (NPT) during well construction and is a costly challenge to overcome. Learn the importance of understanding the loss challenge to tailor a treatment that helps operators cure severe to total losses. 

Field-proven success

Boasting a lengthy success record, SentinelCem cement has cured severe to total losses in over 300 operations globally, in 31 countries. Our next generation SentinelCem Pro system provides continued success addressing lost circulation challenges in a single-sack, easy-to-blend formulation for proactive rigsite deployment.

Explore Halliburton lost circulation solutions

BridgeMaker™ lost circulation material

BridgeMaker™ lost circulation material

Enhances cement spacer designs to prevent lost circulation.

Tuned® Defense™ cement spacer

Tuned® Defense™ cement spacer

Tuned® Defense™ cement spacer systems prevent lost circulation while optimizing fluid rheology for effective mud displacement.

Lost Circulation Wizard™ software

Lost Circulation Wizard™ software

The Lost Circulation Wizard™ software enables Halliburton technical professionals to predict the optimal LCM/fluid package to mitigate losses during and after cement operations.

Particle Wizard™ particle management software

Particle Wizard™ particle management software

Evaluating LCM selection and concentration for optimal passage, suspendability, and transport.


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