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Our skilled, knowledgeable employees and the investments we make in their learning and development are what power Halliburton's success and growth. To help our employees excel in their careers and meet personal goals, we provide industry-recognized, best-in-class employee development programs, processes, and trainings. We also take action to cultivate a strong leadership pipeline of experienced talent who are prepared to help guide Halliburton into the future.


Health and Safety

Our People

Training and Development

Human Rights

Local Communities

Our skilled and committed workforce sustainability commitment

Have a skilled and committed workforce by listening and responding to our employees’ feedback and committing to an engaged workforce that feels valued with the right support and resources to be successful.

Talent development and succession management

Halliburton establishes its talent development and succession management strategies on a "build from within" philosophy. We regularly identify and develop new leaders through intentional identification and training efforts. Our strategy promotes business continuity, retention, and teamwork, and maintains a strong competitive advantage when it comes to both short- and long-term success.

In 2023, female diversity and U.S. racial diversity in various roles improved. From a 2022 baseline, females in operational leadership roles increased by 6%; the females in junior operational leadership roles increased 10%; and the number of female candidates on replacement charts increased by 14%. In addition, in 2023 in the U.S., our percentage of racial diversity in management roles improved by 6% compared to 2022.

To build a robust leadership pipeline, Halliburton Succession Management identifies the readiness of potential successors for critical roles. In 2023, we had an 83% internal fill rate for leadership roles and a 94% internal fill rate for executive-level positions. Our strong internal fill rate, one of the highest in the market, directly results from our process to identify successors and offer tailored development plans.

Technical and leadership development

We host processes and programs — such as Hire to Country Manager (H2CM), HalAcademy, Emerging Leader Process, and Business Leadership Development (BLD) — to recruit, train, and promote members of our employee population who have leadership potential. This approach has facilitated high retention and continuity among Halliburton talent. It also promotes teamwork and camaraderie. Employees often rise through Halliburton together, which gives them shared experiences they can draw from when they collaborate to lead.

Hire to Country Manager process

H2CM is a leadership development track for potential product service line country managers. This role is an essential managerial role and critical to Halliburton's success. The ultimate goal of H2CM is to develop strong, competent leaders who can help build an even stronger organization. The program enhances visibility into the internal talent pipeline for product service line country manager roles and other roles in the H2CM training process.

Participants are trained in Halliburton's five key competencies for operational leaders: technical depths, service execution, customer focus, frontline leadership, and business acumen. In addition, H2CM is designed to be flexible so employees can engage according to their own readiness and Halliburton's available business opportunities.

In 2023, H2CM helped Halliburton increase female representation in product service line country manager roles by 47% year over year. In addition, female representation increased in four out of the five H2CM phases preceding the country manager role.

Business Leadership Development courses

BLD is Halliburton's executive education program. BLD is one of our most significant investments in the development of future leaders. It plays an essential role in building our leadership pipeline and promoting growth. In 2023, BLD participation increased by 19% with 684 employees engaged in BLD courses. 53 different nationalities were represented and 24% of BLD participants were female.


HalAcademy is an annual leadership meeting where approximately 1,000 employees from Halliburton's global operations attend. A mix of senior and developing leaders attend HalAcademy. Attendees receive briefings on the major company-wide initiatives Halliburton plans to implement in the next year and training on specific topics in focused breakout sessions. 

In 2023, Halliburton's Chairman, President, and CEO, Jeff Miller, gave a keynote address, and our Executive Vice President and CFO, Eric Carre, provided a financial overview. Other talks and breakouts included a western hemisphere overview; business development in accordance with the 3 Cs of Business Development; a Drilling and Evaluation Division update; tips for navigation of international business relationships; a Completion and Production update; a digital fireside chat; and a legal update.

Emerging Leader Process and Frontline Leader Readiness Assessment

Halliburton developed a targeted Emerging Leader Process that supports our Succession Management plan. Through this process, we identify and train employees who demonstrate high leadership potential who then participate in the Frontline Leader Readiness Assessment (FLRA) — a formal simulation facilitated by a leading third-party assessment authority — to assess their timing-related readiness.

In 2023, more than 400 employees completed assessment for leadership potential factors and approximately 100 completed FLRA. Once they have completed the FLRA, participants receive insight on their proficiency, a leadership coach, and a tailored development plan.

Employee-driven development and upskilling

Many of our employee-development and upskilling resources are designed to empower our people through facilitation of employee-driven career growth and skills development.

Flexible learning

Halliburton offers employees educational opportunities in a variety of formats. Expanding these opportunities to multiple formats has made our training programs more accessible and efficient for our global workforce. We have also given individual employees latitude to engage with learning opportunities in ways that accommodate their personal situations. Content ranges from leadership, functional, general business skills, and technical training related to our products and services to emerging skills for which we want to build employee capabilities. In 2023, we delivered more than 62% of our training in non-traditional classroom environments. Halliburton also continues to offer robust in-person training opportunities.


Sustainability means serving our customers, employees, stakeholders, and communities in an environmentally, socially, and ethically responsible way.



Good corporate governance builds trust with our shareholders, customers, and employees.



Globally, oil and gas continue to be critical sources of energy. The pursuit of a lower carbon future must account for their place in the global energy mix.