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Halliburton respects the dignity and human rights of all people. In our business operations, we support universal human rights as defined by the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. These values are realized in the diversity of our global workforce and all of our operations. Halliburton's policies on health, safety, and security account for human rights concerns. We comply with all applicable employment laws and adhere to fair and ethical employment practices.

On the Halliburton website, you can read more about our human rights practices and beliefs — including our Human Rights Policy, Human Rights Statement, Supplier Ethics, and COBC.

Our human rights sustainability commitment

Support universal human rights as defined by the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights through fair and ethical employment practices and our Code of Business Conduct.

Human rights in the supply chain

We recognize that responsible supply chain management is essential to help promote human rights and follow a comprehensive due diligence method for our supply chain. For more information about our Human Rights Audits, visit the Supply Chain Governance section on our website.

We use a digital supplier management system and several internally developed tools to screen suppliers for potential human rights risks. These tools and systems include:

  • An internal human rights dashboard that evaluates supplier risks and helps us identify areas for detailed follow-up
  • Our cloud-based supply chain monitoring platform, which allows us to track risk and conduct supplier assessments in all tiers of suppliers
  • Utilization of the information tracked in our monitoring platform to develop a pilot supply chain mapping project
  • Our Supply Chain Awareness training course, which was implemented at the end of 2022 and continued in 2023
  • Third-party Human Rights Audits that cover Workplace Conditions Assessments, Labor Provider Audits, and Service Provider Audits

Human rights regulations

As human rights legislation evolves, Halliburton works to comply with new regulations, such as the Norwegian Supply Chain Transparency Act. This act requires companies to share how they work to eradicate human trafficking and modern slavery in their business and global supply chains, and to detail the steps they have taken and the controls they have in place to address human rights risks.

We comply with the UK Modern Slavery Act, the Australia Modern Slavery Act, and the UN's Universal Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. We also monitor and comply with emergent human rights legislation around the world, which includes the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act in the U.S., the upcoming EU Act, and the Canadian Human Rights Act. In Canada, our operations adhere to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People. Our statements of compliance with these acts can be found on our website. For more information about our Indigenous relations efforts, visit the Indigenous Inclusion Strategy section.


Sustainability means serving our customers, employees, stakeholders, and communities in an environmentally, socially, and ethically responsible way.



Good corporate governance builds trust with our shareholders, customers, and employees.



Globally, oil and gas continue to be critical sources of energy. The pursuit of a lower carbon future must account for their place in the global energy mix.