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Announcement Description for global announcement

June 9, 2022 | 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. CDT (UTC-05:00)

The energy transition is dependent on the reliable supply of minerals such as copper, cobalt, lithium etc. However, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find large tonnage and high-grade deposits of these critical minerals at or near the surface. Mining companies seeking to expand their portfolios will therefore need to look deeper and beyond the known occurrences to meet the surging demand. 

In this webinar, we will discuss a new approach to the global screening of volcanic arcs and their duration, as a predictive method for an initial mineral systems-based approach to exploration (e.g., the discovery of potential porphyry occurrences). 

We will showcase various methodologies involved in this new approach to exploration and you will learn more about:  

  • Running geospatial and temporal analytics on a combination of large datasets and a global plate tectonic model (0-600Ma) containing plate boundaries.  

  • Creating a spatio-temporal model of the total cumulative duration of magmatic arc activity, at the global scale back to 600 Ma, that is updateable and can serve as a proxy to predict mineral system likelihood. 

  • Testing this model output against a porphyry copper occurrence dataset to validate the approach.   

  • Using this approach to examine the locations of known hydrothermal subduction zone related mineral deposits and refining it to make regional predictions into the unknown, greenfield and deep undercover.

  • How Neftex® Prospect, a DecisionSpace® 365 solution helps you confidently scout for mineral systems deep in the subsurface and across new frontiers.  

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Presented by

Dr Graeme Nicoll

Dr Graeme Nicoll

Solution Owner for Global Geological Systems

Amy Taylor

Amy Taylor

Product Owner for Neftex® Prospect and Virtual Data Room Plus