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Climate Change and Emissions Reduction

We work to reduce emissions, improve efficiency, and advance clean energy development through innovation and collaboration.

Explore climate change

Chemical Stewardship

Chemical stewardship is a critical part of Halliburton's responsible environmental impact management. We utilize automated regulatory tracking alerts that are integrated into chemical import and export transactions globally, and our proactive risk-impact analysis supports sustainable market development.

We also utilize our Chemistry Scoring Index (CSI) to assess and compare the risks associated with using Halliburton’s chemical products in oil and gas operations. All of our chemical products are backed by a Safety Data Sheet that complies with the latest regulatory requirements. The chemical constituents of our hydraulic fracturing fluids comply with state laws and voluntary standards.

In 2022, Halliburton adopted a new regulatory compliance program that facilitates more effective communication with our suppliers. We collect information about the chemical products we purchase to fulfill global chemical compliance requirements and sustainability goals. We do this by distributing chemical questionnaires to vendors, and store this data in a consistent, data-safe format while safeguarding the confidential information received from suppliers.

Explore HSE & SQ

Health, Safety, Environment, and Service Quality

Health, Safety, Environment, and Service Quality

Our commitment to HSE minimizes environmental impacts, controls risks to our employees, and upholds safe work practices.
