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2. Limited assurance provided by KPMG for 2023. Refer to Statements on Sustainability Metrics and Related Notes for standards, frameworks, definitions, and/or management determined criteria.

3. Scope 3 reporting includes business travel and waste generated in operations categories. Waste GHG emissions are based on U.S. EPA Emission Factors Hub. In 2021, business travel GHG emissions are based on GHG Protocol Quantis tool and UK Government GHG conversion factors. In 2022 and 2023, business travel GHG emissions are based on U.S. EPA Environmentally-Extended Input-Output (USEEIO) factors and UK Government GHG emission factors.

4. We had no significant environmental noncompliance spill incidents and no significant environmental fines.

Social data table

2. Limited assurance provided by KPMG for 2023. Refer to Statements on Sustainability Metrics and Related Notes for standards, frameworks, definitions, and/or management determined criteria.

5. Certain 2021 and 2022 numbers were restated based upon changes or improvements to methodologies in collecting the information.

Social data tableSocial data table

2. Limited assurance provided by KPMG for 2023. Refer to Statements on Sustainability Metrics and Related Notes for standards, frameworks, definitions, and/or management determined criteria.

5. Certain 2021 and 2022 numbers were restated based upon changes or improvements to methodologies in collecting the information.


Good corporate governance builds trust with our shareholders, customers, and employees.



Globally, oil and gas continue to be critical sources of energy. The pursuit of a lower carbon future must account for their place in the global energy mix.



Our goal is to educate and inspire the next generation of Halliburton talent – because our people are at the heart of everything we do.