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WellPlan™ software - Design safe and reliable well string operations

The most comprehensive well engineering tool kit for designing complex well string operations in the industry and is designed to reduce costs in the well construction lifecycle.

WellPlan software


Designing complex well string operations requires rigorous analysis to define the key aspects of each pipe-related operation in the wellbore.  WellPlan software combines robust and reliable engineering algorithms with ease-of-use and data visualization, enabling engineers to perform better analyses faster, while reducing IT training and support costs.

WellPlan Software torque and drag modules
WellPlan Software - Torque and Drag
WellPlan Software cementing modules
WellPlan Software - Cementing
WellPlan Software hydraulics modules
WellPlan Software - Hydraulics
  • Hydraulics analysis: Using well-known, industry-leading engineering calculations, the Hydraulics Analysis module provides a set of comprehensive and interactive analytical tools to determine the feasibility and optimal parameters for comprehensive pressure drop calculations, bit hydraulics, and advanced hole cleaning analysis.

  • Torque and drag analysis: Operators can plan and analyze various drilling, casing, and completion scenarios with our Torque and Drag Analysis module to assess the impact of predicted loads related to torque and drag forces affecting the drillstring, completion string, casing, or liner for design modifications and improvement.

  • Bore hole assembly dynamics: This module helps predict the directional tendencies of the bottom hole assembly, as well as uses finite element analysis to visually identify drilling parameters that produce high stress concentrations.

  • Stuck pipe: Locate the sticking point and conduct fast, accurate failure analysis by calculating back-off force, force delivered to stuck points, and forces required to set and fire jars.

  • Swab surge: Calculate the transient pressures within the wellbore caused by pipe movement during tripping and cementing operations to avoid induced formation kicks or formation damage due to excessive swab or surge pressures.

  • Underbalance hydraulics: Provides comprehensive analytical tools to determine the feasibility and optimal parameters for operations where more than one fluid is mixed to effectively control the pressures of the entire system.

  • Well control: The most intuitive workflow in the industry to determine the kick tolerance of well designs and kill sheet calculations.

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