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Realize infinite possibilities

DecisionSpace® 365 Suite of cloud applications provide modular, open and plug and play solutions, with intelligent workflows to drive efficiency and provide data driven insights.

The DecisionSpace 365 applications are built on trusted science, and truly open software architecture which supports integrated cross-domain workflows and the integration of 3rd party applications and plug-ins.


Trusted science

Utilize proven data management and industry leading scientific algorithms and calculations for reliable results.



Connect to existing investments, third-party applications, and plug-ins with ease via truly open software architecture.



Access integrated and intelligent workflows across the E&P lifecycles that help optimize performance.

OSDU™ Data Platform

Halliburton’s commitment to OSDU

DecisionSpace® 365 software as a service on OSDU™ Data Platform

Explore OSDU

Choose your DecisionSpace® 365 Experience

DecisionSpace® 365 Enterprise

Enterprise scale deployment of applications configured to customer needs.

  • Consume: Secure, anytime, and anywhere access to the current and innovative E&P cloud applications on a secure public, private, or hybrid cloud
  • Integrate: Open architecture facilitates connectivity to your existing investments, third-party applications, and plug-ins
  • Transform: Intelligent E&P digital solutions that leverages physics based and computational models including AI/ML to seek to automate workflows and transform how you work.

DecisionSpace® 365

DecisionSpace® 365


Introducing DecisionSpace® 365 Essentials – Well Operations Reporting

In this session, Halliburton Landmark experts will also showcase how DecisionSpace 365 Essentials powered by Amazon Web Services (AWS), provides a fully automated customer experience, including rapid onboarding and improved performance – all with a fixed monthly subscription pricing model.

Watch webinar

DecisionSpace® 365 Essentials

Self-service applications with pre-configured, pre-seeded workflows.

  • Ready to go: Get to work up to 2 weeks faster.
  • Pay as you go: Get the very best E&P software capabilities, and only pay for what you use.
  • Self-service: Monitor usage and billing, and manage new and existing users, to better manage your software subscriptions and costs.


DecisionSpace® 365 National Digital Resource

Best-in-class applications to unlock value of national subsurface and related data.

  • Drive investment: Transform your digital resources to build business relationships and drive E&P investments.
  • Keep it simple: Deploy your digital resource in weeks rather than months for efficient and cost-effective access.
  • Protect and preserve: Enrich your data to develop an evergreen digital ecosystem to identify sustainable, long-term development and production opportunities.


National Digital Resource

National Digital Resource

DecisionSpace® 365 products

Seismic Processing Suite

Seismic Processing Suite

Easily and efficiently process large volumes of seismic data to develop an insightful and accurate understanding of the subsurface.

Geosciences Suite

Geosciences Suite

Combines innovative technology and tightly integrated, end-to-end suite of cross-domain workflows to increase subsurface understanding, reduce uncertainty around today’s most complex reservoirs and tackle future energy challenges.

Digital Well Program® Suite

Digital Well Program® Suite

Integrated end-to-end workflows to design, plan and deliver efficient and cost-effective wells.

Agile asset management suite

Agile asset management suite

Integrate multi-domain data, expertise, and automated workflows into an efficient, auditable and unified decision-making environment.

Explore Suite Suite

Optimize data, build applications, and AI/ML model pipelines to drive decision making and accelerate enterprise innovation.

CO2 Storage Suite

CO2 Storage Suite

Initiate, access and select


Related products & services

iEnergy® Hybrid Cloud

iEnergy® Hybrid Cloud

Engineered cloud connecting field to the boardroom.

SmartDigital® Co-innovation Service

SmartDigital® Co-innovation Service

Design, develop and deploy your own digital innovations


ready to take the next step

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