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World Oil - Special Focus: Advances in Drilling

Today, many operators face a similar drilling challenge: To optimize the bottomhole assembly (BHA) and drill multiple wellbore sections in a single run. Significant efficiencies are gained by combining sections, and it is not uncommon for the vertical, curve, and lateral to all be drilled using a single BHA.

Halliburton continues to improve tool reliability and capabilities to achieve these goals with the iCruise® X intelligent rotary steerable system (RSS) and the HyperSteer™ directional drill bit line.

Read the World Oil article by Seth Anderle and Anthony Peldunas to learn more.

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Seth Anderle

Seth Anderle

Fixed Cutter Product Manager, Drill Bits and Services

Anthony Peldunas

Anthony Peldunas

Rotary Steerable Systems Product Manager, Sperry Drilling


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