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Specific Challenge

Increase mechanical compartmentalization

REGION - North Dakota, US REGION - North Dakota, US

Williston Basin

REGION - North Dakota, US


  • Increase mechanical compartmentalization
  • Minimize completion time
  • Access more productive reserves


  • RapidStage system with RapidBallTM DM dissolving balls
  • Swellpacker® systems for openhole isolation
  • AccessFrac service multi-cycle designs to ultra-compartmentalize the lateral  


  • Production brought online an average of three days faster
  • Number of effective fractures doubled without adding additional completion equipment or intervention procedures
  • Enhanced stimulation process improved overall fracture quality and enabled maximum value


Operators drilling and completing horizontal wells in the Bakken and Three Forks formations are at the forefront of innovative unconventional completion technology.

While multistage hydraulic fracturing helps to unlock the oil trapped inside the shale formations, conventional applications have not always resulted in optimal recovery. Ineffective stimulation is too often the root-cause of poor well productivity and economics.

Often cemented plug-and-perforate completions leave non-productive portions of the lateral due to poor cluster stimulation efficiency. Sliding sleeve systems enable single-entry stimulation to help overcome this, while offering improved stimulation time efficiency. Halliburton’s advancements in its RapidSuite™ sleeve technology, in combination with its AccessFrac service, helps overcome the historical limitations of stage capabilities, and an additional sleeve is no longer required for each additional stage.


Operators in the Bakken and Three Forks formations seek to increase compartmentalization in their wellbores by adding more isolated fracturing stages. The goal – access more productive reserves thereby improving well economics with the goal of lowering cost per BOE. At the same time, these operators strive to minimize completion time in order to bring wells on production sooner. 


To exceed the demands of the longer and more compartmentalized laterals, the Halliburton RapidStage system delivers up to 55 individual ball-drop stages for efficient openhole completions. Swellpacker® systems provide openhole isolation,while RapidBall™ DM dissolving ball technology helps eliminate the need for post-stimulation intervention to ensure well production.


jobs performed with RapidStage sleeves


additional sleeve required, when combined w/ AccessFrac


consistent ball landing performance


Dozens of applications using AccessFrac service have been successfully performed throughout the Rockies. In the Williston Basin, over 20 jobs performed with RapidStage sleeves and AccessFrac stimulation services in the past six months have resulted in a minimum of 30% sustained production improvement.

RapidStage sleeves are delivering the ultimate completion efficiency with 98% consistent ball landing performance. The number of effective fractures is doubled without additional completion equipment or intervention procedures. The integration of AccessFrac service multi-cycle stimulation designs add reserves by tapping previously unstimulated sections of the wellbore. These treatments increase flowing conductive fracture lengths and achieve greater connection with the reservoir’s porosity system.

RapidStage Systems

RapidStage Systems

RapidStage systems optimize the completion of multistage wellbores by enabling highly accurate placement of stimulation treatments without intervention. 

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