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Announcement Description for global announcement


Mature Fields

Specific Challenge

Drill 17-1/2 in. section consisting of shale, sand, and complex lithology

Latin America Latin America


Latin America


  • Drill 17-1/2 in. section in mature field consisting of shale and sand with a history of complex lithology and vibration


  • Employ DatCI design at the customer interface process to design a custom drilling solution consisting of Juggernaut® cutters and Cerebro® in-bit sensing technology


  • Reduced drilling time and vibration
  • Improved ROP
  • New field record achieved in section drilling 36% faster than previous wells in the area
  • Saved operator 7.7 hours of rig time


Using the DATCISM design at the customer interface process, Halliburton Drill Bits and Services designed a drilling solution for Parex Resources Colombia for a 17-1/2 in. section in the Arauca field, improving on the previous drilling record and saving the operator both time and costs. 

Halliburton performed well in previous runs in the Arauca field using data gathered from Cerebro® in-bit sensors. A new Cerebro-equipped bit design, featuring Juggernaut® cutters, reduced bit dysfunction, which led to longer bit life and a record-setting run.


Previous wells drilled in the Arauca field required two or three bits to complete the 17-1/2 in. section, which featured complex lithology composed of sand and shale. In addition, drilling dysfunction and instability led to poor dull conditions which limited bit life and rate of penetration (ROP).


Analysis of prior runs using Cerebro in-bit sensing data identified high levels of axial and lateral vibration in deeper portions of the section coupled to periods of weight-on-bit variation. The modified drill bit design consisted of a revised layout to improve bit stability and improve force balancing in critical areas. The design also incorporated upgraded Juggernaut cutters, an advanced cutter family specifically created to address the most challenging drilling environments.

Pre-run modeling projected the design to improve durability to drill the most difficult intervals with minimal impact on weight-on-bit requirements. Cerebro in-bit sensing was also included in this design to monitor performance and measure vibrations and dysfunction.


Faster than previous wells in the area


Rig time hours saved compared to offset wells


Deploying this custom drilling solution, the operator reduced vibration and improved bit durability in the deep intervals of the section resulting in drilling time that was 36% faster than previous wells in the area, setting a field record. In addition, the operator saved 7.7 hours of rig time compared to offset wells.

Featured products

Juggernaut® cutters

Juggernaut® cutters

Juggernaut® cutter technology for increased impact and abrasion resistance.

Cerebro® In-Bit Sensor Package

Cerebro® In-Bit Sensor Package

Analyze and understand drill bit performance quicker and more efficiently with the Cerebro™ in-bit sensor.


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