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Failure to maintain a gas-tight seal in a wellbore can lead to a loss of well control and an unplanned release of hydrocarbons to the environment. This can be detrimental for operators and hazardous to the environment. Regulatory organizations and operators require a solution to this industry challenge.

Halliburton Intercept retrievable bridge plug (RBP) is a gas-tight, well-suspension plug ideal for dual-barrier applications, and is designed to handle a wide range of well conditions. The plug solves the industry regulatory requirements of having an ISO 14310/API 11D1 V0 qualified well barrier to provide isolation of the wellbore. Suspending the well and keeping it stable and safe are especially critical when performing activities such as:

  • Blowout preventer qualification testing and maintenance 
  • Wellhead maintenance 
  • Short- and long-term well suspension 
  • Casing testing 
  • Emergency suspension due to weather or adverse conditions


  • Qualified to ISO 14310/API 11D1 V0 
  • No hang-weight required below 
  • Ball valve module can be opened at maximum differential pressure without rotation 
  • Industry-proven RTTS® packer mechanical slips provide positive anchor for setting 
  • Ability to support tensile loads up to 400,000 lb (181,440 kg)


  • Meets industry requirement for gas-tight barrier 
  • Quick and easy operating procedure with no left-hand rotation 
  • Tripping tailpipe not required, saving rig time and money

Design and application

The Intercept RBP is unique since it does not require hang-weight below to set, which saves rig time required to deploy drillpipe before running the plug. Should well operations require it, the plug can handle significant pipe weight below, saving trip time and reducing cost while enhancing safety. Additionally, the plug does not require left-hand rotation, which reduces the risk of accidental disconnection of the workstring or bottomhole assembly. When the operation is complete, the plug can be retrieved quickly and safely.

The Intercept plug can be run reliably in a variety of applications, from ultra-deep water to inland waters, and sets with simple workstring manipulation. The ball valve can be opened and closed as often as desired without pipe rotation. The workstring can then be released from the plug, which remains in place until operations are complete. In order to retrieve the plug, the workstring is relatched, and the ball valve is opened to monitor pressure below. The plug is then released with right-hand rotation. The plug consists of packer-type, high-performance sealing elements, bi-directional mechanical slips, and a ball valve module. Damage to the sealing elements is minimized while running in the hole, as they are not in contact with the casing. When set, the Intercept RBP provides a reliable barrier in the casing, regardless of pressure reversals. The lower portion of the plug can be run as a conventional service-type packer, without the ball valve module.

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