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Announcement Description for global announcement



Specific Challenge

Provide an ultra-short make-up bit to minimize shock and vibration

North America North America

Permian Basin / Texas

North America


  • Design and provide an ultra-short make-up bit to minimize shock and vibration and allow the operator to complete more one-run curve/lateral sections


  • Deploy DatCI™ design at the customer interface to design and deliver HyperSteer™ directional drill bit for initial testing
  • New cutter technology including the Razor™ 4-D shaped cutters


  • Operator achieved longer, more consistent runs with the HyperSteer directional bit compared to the incumbent bit
  • Allowed operator to remove the flex joint and reduce shock and vibration
  • Improved well, cementing, and production schedules
  • Set a new spud record of 18.06 days, beating the previous operator record by more than five days


An operator experienced durability and directional challenges while drilling a curve and lateral on a push-the-bit rotary steerable system. The operator reached out to Halliburton to design and assemble an ultra-short makeup length bit to meet their criteria in an expedited timeframe.


An operator experienced durability and directional challenges while drilling a curve and lateral on a push-the-bit rotary steerable system. The operator reached out to Halliburton to design and assemble an ultra-short makeup length bit to meet their criteria in an expedited timeframe.


As part of the DatCI™ design at the customer interface process, Halliburton met with the operator to understand design needs and application specifics. Based on the information provided, Halliburton designed and constructed a HyperSteer™ directional drill bit for initial testing. While the initial bit performed well and produced much less shock and vibration than the incumbent bit, the operator requested a redesign to achieve additional ROP. The revised version included Razor™ 4-D shaped cutters as well as a more aggressive cutting structure, higher side cutting efficiency, more erosion-resistant hardfacing, and reduced blade tops to meet the customer requirements. Razor cutters feature a higher contact stress area along the cutter rock interface for optimized rock failure, enhanced edge profile for efficient cuttings removal and evacuation, and a domed center for increased durability.


The HyperSteer directional drill bit configuration was quickly delivered, and adjustments were expedited based on operator requirements. The operator achieved longer, more consistent runs with the HyperSteer drill bit compared to runs with the incumbent bit. The new bit design consistently delivered low shock and vibration, and the operator was able to better plan well, cementing, and production schedules. The team achieved a new spud to TD record of 18.06 days, drilling a Wolfcamp D well. This surpassed the previous operator record by more than five days, resulting in substantial cost savings for the operator.

Featured products

HyperSteer™ directional drill bits

HyperSteer™ directional drill bits

Directional drill bits designed for high build rates in curve and lateral applications.

Geometrix™ 4D-shaped cutters

Geometrix™ 4D-shaped cutters

Geometrix™ 4D-shaped cutters use different geometries to optimize drilling efficiency and durability.

Design at the Customer Interface (DatCI™)

Design at the Customer Interface (DatCI™)

DatCI is a powerful service platform used to optimize bit and drilling performance through in-depth planning, bit design, and post-well evaluation.


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