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Mature Fields

Specific Challenges

Collaborate to perform operator's first local deepwater subsea P&A project


Offshore Malaysia



  • Provide first subsea P&A project in Malaysian waters
  • Safely and efficiently execute P&A of two subsea wells, within the client’s P50 estimate
  • Reduce P&A costs through optimization of equipment and personnel without negatively impacting HSE or operational performance


  • Dedicated Halliburton Project Management team (PMT) assigned to the project, both onshore and offshore, to drive operational efficiencies
  • Assigned an HMP team to the project, both onshore and offshore, to drive operational efficiencies
  • Scheduled 15 site integrity tests prior to start of operations to ensure compatibility and rig-up requirements


  • Completed mobilization within 90 days after receiving the contract
  • Delivered project without any recorded LTIs, HSE events, NPT, service quality issues, or cost escalations 
  • Provided first remote operation of DECT tool and also world’s first use 


Halliburton was awarded a multi-services contract to provide plug and abandonment (P&A) services offshore Malaysia for two subsea wells. The P&A project was conducted from the operator’s semi-submersible rig, and Halliburton provided all services related to the project. 

Integration of complex P&A services on deepwater subsea wells 

The complexity and risks associated with conducting well abandonment operations for deepwater subsea wells is significantly higher compared to platform P&A work scopes, and includes: 

  • Integration and alignment of Halliburton services with semi-submersible rig services
  • Well stack-up requiring usage of coiled tubing lifting frame (CTLF)
  • Subsea wellhead access and maintenance for aged equipment with structural concerns
  • Contingency equipment requirement for possible “what-if” downhole scenarios
  • Risk of high levels of hydrogen sulfide (H₂S) and carbon dioxide (CO₂)
  • Unknown subsea tree valve conditions 

These challenges had the potential to add significant cost to the project’s economics. 

Halliburton Project Management (HPM) was tasked with integrating multi-services teams from various Halliburton product service lines (PSLs) and third-party contractors to leverage well abandonment expertise during planning and operational phases. HPM consolidated plans, and evaluated all the risks that the project posed, specifically relating to execution. 

Given the sensitive nature of the worksite and the potential for incidents on an offshore installation, possible exposures to risks related to health, safety, or the environment (HSE) were treated with the expected due diligence, driving the implementation of scope-specific HSE key performance indicators (KPIs).

Collaboration and alignment to achieve efficiencies 

Halliburton was awarded an integrated services contract that included wireline and perforating services (e-line and slickline), coiled tubing, completions, tubing retrieval, high-expansion retrievable bridge plugs (through third-party services), tubular running services, and fishing and milling services. 

The HPM team worked with the customer to finalize the program’s work scope, schedules, KPIs, and drivers for project efficiencies, and to implement Halliburton technologies. Successful implementation of the above include the following:

  • Managing equipment and personnel mobilization, handling multiple paperwork requirements by the government from multiple countries during the global COVID-19 pandemic
  • Effectively solved challenges and mobilized CTLF on time, according to schedule
  • Successfully completed 15 site integrity tests (SITs), including the CTLF rig-up, along with stack-ups for e-line, slickline, and coiled tubing
  • Continuously engaged with the client to provide solutions for any last-minute requests in order to ensure smoothness of operations
  • Performed cross-company training remotely via online video and conference calls for mechanical cutter tools and services, thus eliminating the need for personnel travel during COVID-19 movement control order (MCO)
  • Assigned multi-skilled crew to help solve manpower needs due to difficulties in mobilization during COVID-19 MCO period
  • Evaluated and implemented lessons learned from other subsea P&A projects

days to complete mobilization


HSE or LTI incidents


Remote operation of Downhole Electric Pipe Cutter tool


NPT or service quality events

Result: Halliburton team delivers project with excellent service quality 

Through close collaboration with the customer, Halliburton was able to mobilize within 90 days and achieve the following results: 

  • Completed the mobilization of equipment and planning within 90 days after receiving the contract award
  • Delivered project without any recorded lost-time incidents (LTIs), HSE events, non-productive time (NPT), service quality issues, or cost escalations
  • Provided the first remote operation of the Downhole Electric Pipe Cutter tool and also the world’s first use of this tool without any downtime

Explore related services

Plug and abandonment tools

Plug and abandonment tools

Halliburton provides the technology and expertise to facilitate safe and efficient operations worldwide for Plug & Abandonment solutions.

Integrated Plug and Abandonment

Integrated Plug and Abandonment

Halliburton provides optimized, integrated land and offshore abandonment projects through proprietary workflows and single-point accountability.


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