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The Halliburton proprietary EOR screening and prioritization methodology provides screening of single or multiple reservoirs with unprecedented speed by using a small, robust set of key reservoir parameters and taking into account uncertainty ranges and problems of limited or inaccurate data. The methodology also provides an early determination of risk of implementation and chance of success of EOR methods to refine and prioritize screened methods before making major effort and investment commitments.

The Halliburton screening and prioritization process helps to solve problems that can often lead to error-prone screening planning in EOR projects, such as:

  • Inaccurate or vintage reservoir data with large uncertainty
  • Limited data availability
  • Operator availability of EOR expertise to aid decision making processes
  • Time-consuming screening processes for assessment of a large number of reservoirs
  • Time-consuming processes for risk and success management
  • Rigid and dated EOR screening criteria


  • Facilitates quick, strategic decisions making based on few, well-selected key parameters, enabling the assessment of a large number of reservoirs in a short timeframe
  • Provides robust results and analysis even in cases of limited data availability, and vintage or unreliable data
  • Provides clear indication of the feasibility of investment in further laboratory analysis and numerical simulation


  • Scored list of all possible reservoir-EOR combinations by a multi-layered approach that enables the greatest fidelity for early planning of EOR projects
  • Offers tailored solutions fit to address client needs
  • Provides early evaluation of risk and key areas of attention including a summary of best practices to mitigate potential future project risks


  • For a specific EOR method in a given reservoir: Ascertain its feasibility.
  • For single or multiple reservoirs in the EOR planning stage: Screen/prioritize feasible EOR methods for further study and investment.
  • For multiple assets on company-wide basis: Input for company strategy for EOR investment.

Halliburton screening and prioritization process

The Halliburton EOR screening and prioritization methodology is a four staged process that provides front-end planning services of single or multiple reservoirs through the use of a proprietary workflow designed to combine speed and accuracy. The first step involves a quick initial screening. Results from this step are further refined in the second step and prioritized through an early determination of potential project risk and chance of implementation success. This multi-layered EOR methodology generates timely, accurate, and tailored screening results, which enable operators to make quick and reliable decisions needed to invest capital wisely with the lowest possible risk.

Through the four stages, our methodology delivers:

  1. Technical screening list of feasible EOR methods
  2. Scored risk matrix
  3. Assessment of analog reservoirs-feasible methods
  4. Scored chance of success table

A successful track record of application has shown our methodology to be a low-cost, cohesive process of four independent yet interlinked stages, which cater to the requirements of operators to make key decisions about further investment in EOR. A potential project can commence at any of the four stages, depending on operator needs and current knowledge.

Case study

A screening study for over 100 reservoirs of a National Oil Company was needed, in a very short time frame, to define company-wide EOR strategy.

Halliburton screened the reservoirs for ten commercial EOR methods by using the Stage 1 proprietary screening tool with inputs for average, minimum, and maximum values of seven reservoir parameters. Feasible/non-feasible EOR methods for each reservoir were obtained in a short three-week time span. Plots showing feasible and non-feasible regions for each parameter for each EOR method were provided as output. A summary of the reservoirs suitable for each method was provided to inform strategy.

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