The TDReam hole enlargement tool is a unique industry solution developed to reduce rathole length to less than 3 feet (1 meter). It is used in combination with the XR Reamer™ tool, which enlarges the section. The TDReam tool is used below the rotary steerable system (RSS) for rathole enlargement.
Learn how the innovative TDReam hole enlargement tool can reach total depth in one run.
02:22Case Study / Gulf of Mexico
Engineered drilling solution, using the Geo-Pilot® Dirigo™ rotary steerable system (RSS) with the TD Ream™ hole enlargement tool, eliminates extra rathole run.
Read the case studyThe TDReam tool is an innovative reaming-while-drilling downhole design that allows operators to enlarge the whole section in a single run. Due to the conventional hole enlargement tools position in the BHA, rathole enlargements require additional trips. Now, with the TDReam hole enlargement tool, it can be done at once, saving time and money.