The RockStrong coring and anti-jamming system was designed for maximum reliability under the harshest conditions
Talk to an expertThe RockStrong coring system features a unique swivel assembly designed with jam mitigation to operate reliably in extreme wellbore environments, without practical pressure or temperature limits. The system also includes unique bottomhole assembly modeling programs to better understand BHA and drillstring dynamics, including maximum and minimum vibration levels, in order to ensure the best coring performance under any conditions.
RockStrong™ coring system and Cerebro® coring dynamics sensor helps operator evaluate rock properties.
read case studyHalliburton designed the RockStrong coring system to withstand any application, including high-temperature/high-pressure environments and hard, abrasive rock formations without compromising performance.
Halliburton's RockStrong coring system features a unique swivel assembly that is the most robust coring tool on the market.