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Minimize risk of geomechanically driven incidents

As the oil and gas industry moves toward developing more challenging reservoirs with complex geology, it is crucial to optimize operation plans to prevent potential mechanical failure and maximize hydrocarbon recovery. To optimize operations over the asset lifetime and accurately evaluate risks, decision makers must consider the geomechanical behavior of the reservoirs and surrounding formations.

Halliburton reservoir geomechanics services offer integrated solutions for optimum recovery of hydrocarbon, while avoiding additional costs associated with unforeseen environmental and operational damages caused by geomechanical related issues, such as loss of reservoir containment and hydrocarbon leak to surface, excessive compaction and well damage, fault reactivation, excessive sand production, and loss of drilling window in mature field developments. Our reservoir geomechanics multi-disciplinary team uses their vast technical expertise, advanced seamless workflows, and state-of-the-art methodologies to provide optimum operation strategies that minimizes the risk of geomechanically driven incidents.

Avoid costly drilling events in infill drilling in mature fields

Drilling into or through depleted reservoirs can impose some major challenges such as major mud loss or well collapse, resulting in significant operational costs or in extreme cases well loss. These events are mainly associated with modified geomechanical parameters following reservoir depletion, such as reduced fracture gradient and stresses. A precise evaluation of current reservoir geomechanical parameters is key to proper well planning to avoid costly unforeseen events during infill drilling in mature fields. In complex geological settings, such as at the presence of faults and salt, the traditional 1D geomechanical analysis may not be sufficient to address the complex nature of stress evolution during production, but more advanced 3D and coupled geomechanical simulations are necessary to account for the effect of production and injection on mechanical properties and stresses around planned wells. Our reservoir geomechanics team provides an integrated solution to reduce drilling risk and cost in mature fields.

Prevent catastrophic damages to environment

Injection into depleted reservoirs can trigger major problems during operations, if not properly designed with respect to reservoir geomechanical parameters. Loss of caprock integrity caused by CO2 injection or steam injection for EOR operations can result in significant additional cost, environmental damages, and regulatory complications. Similarly, the elevated pressure and the subsequent stress changes, can also result in reactivation of major faults, and loss of containment or mechanical damage to existing wells.

Our reservoir geomechanics experts utilize advanced geomechanical workflows to ensure safe CO2 injection and risk-free EOR operations. Our reservoir geomechanics services include advanced coupled geomechanical-flow simulations to accurately evaluate the evolution of reservoir stresses during production and injection and to assess the potential of any geomechanical failure. This service helps our clients to optimize their operation strategy and avoid environmental damages and unexpected operational costs.  

Predict and prevent excessive compaction

The production of hydrocarbon in highly compressible reservoirs is accompanied by permeability loss in reservoir and subsidence of overlaying rocks. Excessive compaction can lead to reduced hydrocarbon recovery and damage to wells and surface facilities, resulting in significant remedial costs.

A reservoir geomechanical analysis, before or at early stages of production, can help to predict the extent of reservoir compaction and potential damages, so the development strategy can be adjusted accordingly.    



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