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The Q10™ X meets the shale challenge

Today’s shale fracturing treatments have stretched the abilities of legacy pumping systems to the extreme edges of the performance envelope. Halliburton’s new Q10 pump is designed to provide longer performance and reduce nonproductive time.

Q10™ X Pumping Unit

Performance specifications:

  • Maximum pressure: 20,000 psi 
  • Minimum rate: 2.7 bpm
  • Maximum rate: 18.9 bpm
  • Current hydraulic horsepower: 2000 hhp

Pumping unit graphic

A revolutionary design change in fracturing 

Optimizing performance under challenging conditions demanded a revolution in pump design. The Halliburton Q10™ X fracture pump eliminates many of the challenges with legacy fluid ends. Its new design eliminates the cross bore found in common industry designs and extends the fluid end’s fatigue life. Elimination of required access points reduces associated pinch points during pump maintenance, significantly reducing HSE risk. Modular pump components are designed for convenience and help cut maintenance issues in half.  


Maximum pressure (psi)


Minimum BMP rate


Maximum BPM rate


Hydraulic horsepower (HHP)

Long-term pump performance and reduced noise emissions

The Q10™ XLE fracture pump has been redesigned to provide significantly reduced noise emissions on location. The Q10 XLE significantly reduces noise emissions to improve health, safety, and environmental (HSE) conditions on location, as well as the environmental impact to areas outside the wellsite.

The Q10 pump is proven to provide long-term performance with limited NPT. Coupling this performance with noise mitigation technology results in a high-rate, high-pressure fracturing pump, that performs under the most challenging conditions. 


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