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Eliminate buildup and debris, optimize well performance

The Halliburton Pulsonix Tuned Frequency Amplitude (TFA) Service is an innovative tool that helps optimize near-wellbore treatment effectiveness. It removes deposits, emulsions, and polymer residues from the near-wellbore area, perforations, and screens. Fluidic oscillator technology enables the best placement and response from treating fluids. 

The service is excellent for a wide variety of openhole and cased hole vertical and horizontal wells, including oil, gas, injection, geothermal, carbon dioxide (CO2), water, disposal, and solution mining wells.



Well injection rate more than doubled

Scale removal by acidizing with Pulsonix TFA in a geothermal well

Read case study
A halliburton engineer testing fluids


  • Creates bursts of pulsating pressure waves for pinpoint placement of treatment to the near-wellbore area, helping to restore maximum injection
  • Breaks up many types of near-wellbore damage through cyclic loading with pressure waves that propagate radially from the tool
  • Enhances penetration of chemical treatments into the formation matrix and existing fractures
  • Eliminates the standoff requirements of jetting nozzles
  • Can be run in conjunction with other tools
  • Can be run with coiled tubing or jointed pipe

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