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Precision window geometry in new and existing wells

The MillRite milled exit multilateral completion system utilizes a track-guided milling system to create a consistent, geometrically controlled window at precise depth and orientation. Accurate window geometry and position control allows for reliable lateral completion placement and junction construction. The near-rectangular windows created using the MillRite system help eliminate “rolloff” and dogleg severity issues associated with conventionally milled windows. 

Explore Halliburton multilateral system solutions

FlexRite® multilateral completion system

FlexRite® multilateral completion system

The Halliburton FlexRite multilateral system is robust, versatile, and configurable for TAML Level 5 pressure sealed junctions

FloRite® multilateral completion system

FloRite® multilateral completion system

The FloRite multilateral completion system provides TAML Level 5 junction pressure integrity and re-entry capability without pulling the upper completion.

IsoRite® multilateral completion system

IsoRite® multilateral completion system

The IsoRite multilateral completion system provides through-tubing re-entry capability in TAML Level 2 and 4 wells.

Render of MillRite milled exit system
MillRite milled exit system

Consistent, repeatable, and geometrically controlled exit windows

MillRite milled exit MLT system sequence

MillRite milled exit MLT system sequence

MillRite Milled Exit Multilateral system deployment

MillRite Milled Exit Multilateral system deployment

Millrite XtriemeGrip® MLT system

Reliable lateral completion placement and junction construction.


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