Cutter technology for increased impact and abrasion resistance
Talk to an expertGlobal drilling applications are complex. Characterized by interbedded formations, challenging lithologies, and changing rock strengths, they also encounter hard and abrasive environments. These demanding drilling environments and diverse well designs require a specific, customized polycrystalline diamond compact (PDC) cutter platform to stay sharper than other cutters, and to drill faster and longer.
We develop customized cutter solutions to properly balance the abrasion and toughness needed in each application, and to optimize in-bit placement of each of our cutter technologies to deliver superior performance on each run.
Ongoing cutter development continues to challenge the traditional abrasion vs. toughness tradeoffs, leading to a thicker, stronger diamond with added thermal stability. To date, field data shows that our latest North American cutter technology delivers a 21% improvement in ultimate load and a 64% decrease in wear rate. Combined with enhanced thermal stability, these cutters demonstrate significantly reduced spalling and broken-tooth dull conditions across multiple field applications.
Customized cutters for your application that stay sharper to drill faster and longer.
Most thermally stable diamond table.
New diamond formula for extreme toughness.
Integrating data and analytics to recalibrate cutter prescription per application.
Oculus™ is the first of its kind automated dull grading system that is fully integrated into the solution creation process.