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Through-tubing lateral re-entry 

The IsoRite multilateral completion system provides through-tubing re-entry capability in TAML Level 2 and 4 wells, eliminating the need to pull the upper completion. Re-entry access to the lateral improves the efficiency of future workovers and intervention operations, saving rig time and costs. The IsoRite system incorporates a completion window equipped with a landing profile and sealbore that enable the setting of a deflector for lateral access or an isolation sleeve for lateral control. Optional intelligent completion interface allows for monitoring and flow control of each lateral branch. This incremental modular system can be used to upgrade existing junctions. 

Explore Halliburton multilateral system solutions

FlexRite® multilateral completion system

FlexRite® multilateral completion system

The Halliburton FlexRite multilateral system is robust, versatile, and configurable for TAML Level 5 pressure sealed junctions

FloRite® multilateral completion system

FloRite® multilateral completion system

The FloRite multilateral completion system provides TAML Level 5 junction pressure integrity and re-entry capability without pulling the upper completion.

MillRite® milled exit multilateral completion system

MillRite® milled exit multilateral completion system

The MillRite milled exit multilateral system provides consistent and geometrically controlled casing exit.


IsoRite feed-through completion system

The IsoRite feed-through completion system provides through-tubing lateral access with selective inflow control during the life of the well. A completion window with feed-through capabilities for control lines enables placement of control valves and gauges closer to the reservoir and below the window. The self-aligning latching mechanism enables orientation and setting of the completion window without rotation.

IsoRite feed-through MLT completion system installation

IsoRite feed-through MLT completion system installation

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