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Announcement Description for global announcement

Speed and precision for more accurate well placement 

Complex offshore developments and multi-well pads require enhanced drilling speed and precision. The GyroStar™ gyro-while-drilling service delivers groundbreaking technology that reduces uncertainty while performing surveys twice as fast as the competition. This helps avoid lease lines and mitigate frac hits while enhancing your ability to hit target zones. The sensor package is powered by SPEAR™ solid-state technology and not affected by shock and vibration under normal drilling conditions or by magnetic interference.


Success Story

Smart drilling reduces drill time and eliminates NPT

GyroStar™ gyro-while-drilling service provides precise wellbore guidance and mitigates collision risk. 

Read case study

Reduce well time and maximize asset value

  • Eliminate the need for wireline gyros to steer drilling assemblies
  • Get full surveys on demand and during connections, with no additional wait time
  • Ensure precise wellbore guidance for collision avoidance and trajectory placement


  • By eliminating the need for nonmagnetic spacing collars, the gyro sensor can run closer to the bit in the MWD string
  • Power/communications feedthrough is capable of versatile positioning in the BHA
  • Memory multi-shot capability as the BHA is tripped out of hole
  • No mass unbalance or calibration shift
  • No east/west cautionary zones

Ready to take the next step?

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