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Accurate reservoir fluid charcterization

During the drilling process, any gas present in rock cuttings or exposed formation can be released into the drilling fluid, which can help you understand your reservoir fluids and potential economic returns. When the drilling fluid is circulated to surface, specialized gas extraction equipment can obtain a representative sample of that gas, which can then be continuously analyzed to determine its composition.

Overcoming limitations 

GasFact gas analysis service combines the capabilities of the constant volume and temperature gas extraction from the CVE Thermal Plus™ gas extraction system, advanced gas analyzer - GasFact™ Pro, and geochemical analysis to overcome the limitations of conventional systems. 

Combined capabilities

By combining the appropriate technologies with our mud logging experts and technical expertise, the GasFact service delivers high-quality, consistent sampling, along with comprehensive gas measurements of hydrocarbons, aromatics, atmospherics, and other gases.

Enhanced reservoir understanding 

By enhancing reservoir insight and understanding, GasFact helps improve production and maximize the value of their assets in a wide range of drilling environments such as deepwater and unconventionals.

  • Delivers advanced gas analysis by trained and experienced specialists who provide geochmical analysis 
  • Reduces uncertainty of the reservoir by overcoming deficiencies and limitations of conventional gas extraction systems and gas chromatograph services 
  • Determines fluid contacts, compartmentalization, reservoir porosity, and proximity to lateral accumulations to better understand the reservoir

Surface data logging products

LithoFact® advanced cuttings analysis service

LithoFact® advanced cuttings analysis service

Technology to enhance reservoir understanding by exploiting the information from the elemental, mineralogical, and organic carbon data in the drill cuttings.

DrillFact® real time monitoring service

DrillFact® real time monitoring service

DrillFact gives precise drilling measurements for enhanced decision-making and drilling performance.

Surface data logging

Surface data logging

Halliburton delivers real-time information from your well, enabling better and faster drilling and geological decisions.


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