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Reliable stage cementer designed to withstand cummulative stresses from later well events

Because the functional purpose of stage cementers is to lift cement to surface in stages, these tools are typically unable to withstand the cumulative stresses encountered throughout the life of the well. For stage cementing applications in the production casing string, operations require a more robust tool.

The Fidelis™ stage cementer is an internal sleeve, multiple-stage cementing tool designed to support the placement of cement in stages with the resiliency to withstand higher pressure stimulation treatments during well completions.


Resistant seals


Rated per industry standard API 19AC


Dedicated cementing ports



Internal sleeves and premium seals help maintain wellbore integrity for the life of the well

After the Fidelis stage cementer closes, casing integrity is restored with an internal closing sleeve and two sets of CO2-resistant, high-pressure seals on either side of the flow ports. The internal sleeve design provides increased stability over external sleeve options during well completions and will not interfere with fiber or monitoring cable. Double lock rings on the closing sleeve latch into the outer case and lock the tool closed after completion of the second cementing stage. These features create a seal that retains structural integrity after cementing operations are complete and can withstand cumulative stresses and later well events such as well testing, injection and simulation treatments, and production cycling throughout the life of the well.


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