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Make the right drilling and completion engineering decisions

Drilling and completions are becoming increasingly challenging, as the industry deals with horizontal laterals, over-pressured reservoirs, deeper water, thick salt sections, depleted intervals, lost circulation, and economic constraints. Halliburton Consulting uses the latest drilling software, collaborative well planning techniques, and geomechanical modeling to help you select and apply innovative technologies, customizing to the specific needs of your wells and reservoirs. Our approach aligns with your need to develop your fields efficiently while enhancing well productivity.

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Reduced drilling planning time in a Middle East field


Typical production ratio, horizontal vs. vertical well

Best practices in drilling and completions engineering

Halliburton expertise helps you efficiently engineer and apply leading-edge technologies in drilling and completions so that you achieve operational and financial success:

  • Tailor casing designs, bit programs, drilling fluid selection, drilling hydraulics, pore pressure modeling, and other program elements to expected drilling challenges in each formation 
  • Ensure the integrity and functionality of your well throughout its life cycle with advanced well modeling and casing/tubular design
  • Ensure fit-for-purpose wells are placed optimally and drilled with collaborative well planning and geomechanical modeling
  • Help to maximize well productivity and minimize the need for future intervention with industry-leading completion designs
  • Enhance reservoir contact, well productivity, and ultimate recovery with fracturing, stimulation, and horizontal drilling technologies
  • Increase operating efficiency and production with design and modeling of advanced completions, such as internal control valves and ICDs 


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