Simplify cement plug placement
Talk to an expertThe Halliburton BHKA™ plug setting disconnect tool simplifies cement plug placement when necessary during well construction or abandonment operations. The tool allows the downstream portion of the workstring to release within the cement plug, which eliminates the need to swab it out of the cement plug. This helps place a competent cement plug on the first attempt, prevents cement plug disturbance, enables longer cement plugs, and reduces operational time and fluid waste.
The BHKA plug setting aid features a single-collet release mechanism, part of the Halliburton SSR® plug system, activated by an MCXV displacement dart. The displacement dart enables fluid separation down the string and the retaining pins to be sheared with applied pressure. This mechanism quickly releases the downstream tail pipe, provides a clear surface pressure indication, and eliminates the need to pull the string out of the plug length. As a result, there is no cement plug disturbance, and the risk of cement contamination is minimized. The BHKA plug setting aid meets multiple isolation requirements in a single cement operation. It also effectively places reduced-volume kickoff or sidetrack cement plugs.
for string separation and safe release of sacrificial tail pipe
with torque rating to 24,840 lb-ft
with tensile rating to 240 Klbf