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Transform your data into action

Our industry’s most important secrets lie within its greatest asset: the reservoir. Our approach to decoding the reservoir combines innovative sensor, telemetry, and intelligent completion systems with advanced data analytics, sophisticated algorithms, and machine learning to deliver subsurface insight in real time.

Halliburton's global expertise, science, technology, and cryptology enables you to crack the code and maximize asset value.

Oilfield Technology

A New Perspective

Halliburton Completion Tools explains how behind-casing monitoring can offer a new perspective on the reservoir

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The Future of Completions®

Digital Ecosystems

Digital Ecosystems

eCompletions ecosystem has multiple platforms: business development, operations, manufacturing, technology, and Clariti digital reservoir management.

Material Science

Material Science

Advancements in material science drive innovative completions solutions by exceeding extreme temperature and pressure boundaries.

All-Electric completions

All-Electric completions

Breakthroughs in sensors and telemetry, advanced monitoring, and downhole neuro-networks will transform wellbores into data superhighways.


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