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Supporting education and charitable organizations

Halliburton aims to create opportunities that benefit the areas in which we operate. Halliburton, the Halliburton Foundation, and the Halliburton Charitable Foundation provide community support by contributing time, charitable donations, and resources to charities and nonprofit organizations around the world. Halliburton’s charitable efforts center on its four pillars of giving – education, environment, health & safety, and social services.


Halliburton’s Pillars of Giving – education, environment, health & safety, and social services – guide our giving efforts and ensure our charitable contributions benefit the global communities where we work and live.  

Grants, donations, and the work we do with local non-profit organizations allow Halliburton, the Halliburton Foundation, and the Halliburton Charitable Foundation to make a positive impact worldwide.

To learn more about our grants, corporate contributions, and nonprofit entities, email us

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Halliburton Foundation

Established in 1965, the Halliburton Foundation provides direct donations to elementary and secondary schools, colleges, and universities in the U.S. In addition to the direct education grants, the Foundation awards a limited number of health grants. Grant applications are reviewed on a quarterly basis. 

Start your grant application process


Halliburton Charitable Foundation 

The Halliburton Charitable Foundation host the annual Halliburton Charity Golf Tournament to raise funds for non-profit organizations.

Since 1993, the golf tournament has raised more than $28 million to help nonprofit organizations. Proceeds from the golf tournament benefit a diverse group of charities in areas of education, environment, health & safety, and social services.

To learn more about the Halliburton Charity Golf Tournament or how to become a sponsor, visit

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